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Sentence to think about :   Answer by saying "man, has already answered the question, you have to look a little" goes against the adage that a good teacher must have the wisdom and patience of the old parrot.   Beercan
Sentence to think about :   When you are sitting in a plane crash, it was nice tie his belt, it is useless.   Haruki Murakami
Sentence to think about :   A beautiful plane is a plane that flies well.   Marcel Dassault
Sentence to think about :   A pilot who says he has never had fear of flying is a liar.   Louise Thaden
Sentence to think about :   You never feel two emotions by plane: boredom and fear.   Orson Welles
Sentence to think about :   Actor?  ... A business nerdy where one spends most of his time to make after-sales like asking a pilot repair his plane in case of damage.   Coluche

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Close  MSFS natives aircrafts

Canso PBY-5A - Work In Progress

The Consolidated PBY Catalina seaplane is a military designed in the 1930s in the United States. It was widely used during the Second World War, both the U.S. Army by the other allies, performing missions varied.

The initial designation of the PBY plane was simply: "PB" for Patrol Boat, "Y" is the designation of Consolidated, its constructor. He was nicknamed by the British Catalina, in reference to Santa Catalina Island. Aircraft manufactured in Canada were designated them Canso.

This aircraft was first made ​​for "fly in X-Plane." Its original creator
Olivier Faivre who want to see it in other places had appealed to the FS community to make a portage.
My first attempts to bring the sources to Blender GMax date of late 2010. It was a big first for me and after a lot of research and attempts, the transformation process has been developed and is under control now.

Ten years after my first version for FS2004, this first official version is for MSFS and has been tested on the SU8 Beta. The drop and scoop operations are functional (read the contents of the Documentations directory). Nevertheless, this is a Work In Progress version which should lead to a final version by this summer 2022.

I will regularly update the versions on this link specifying the version number so that there are no errors.

Good Flys ! cool Lagaffe


First release : v0.7.6 - 22-02-2022 (502 dowloads) no more downloadable

Release v0.7.7 - 05-04-2022  (503 - 1067 dowloads) no more downloadable

  • Animation of all instruments on the dashboard (dome light and rear panel in the next release),
  • Corrected taxi and landing lights,
  • Replacements of the sounds by Ted Wolfgang's kit created for the C-47 of the Manfred Team (FSX/P3D)
  • New model with blisters added and 3 additional repaints: Air France, Princesse des Etoiles, Okavango.
  • VR usage and DX12 function (beta version) aren't supported officially.

Release v0.7.8 - 20-05-2022 (1068 - 1480 downloads) cancels and replaces the latest version !

  • Front panel instruments are all animated as the panel radio and rear panel (electricity and tanks selectors),
  • 90% of levers on the mobile panel are animated and coded,
  • Rear tyres are entirely re-modelized (texture is in progress),
  • Boarding stairs at the rear of blisters version is animated
  • Interior of the Blisters version is upgraded (news seats, etc ...),
  • 22 PLN are added to permit you to discover world beauties,
  • 3 news repaints are added (they will be upgraded when the PAINTKIT will be finished),
  • You can read in Documentation directory Readme_WIP_0.7.8.txt for more details ...

Release v0.8.0 - 30-06-2022 cancels and replaces the latest version !

This version isn’t the last, This is a snapshot from my developments, but it contains 95% of the elements I wanted to model.
As for the textures, they are quite basic, they are just textures that allow me to better understand the 3D during my work. Some are more worked (PBR) when it is about small parts or tests.

The next stage of development will be mainly focused on :

  • the final textures, all mapping and textures will be rework (PBR and paintkit)
  • the improvement of the existing XML code because there are some bugs that are still present and some functions that I need to finish coding.
  • the management of the internal cockpit lights: the buttons are already animated but I’ll want to write the code in the presence of the final textures to only make one pass on this issue.

Known bug:

  • the ATtitude Indicator give false information: in horizontal flight, the displayed artificial horizon leans to the left, the problem is known, isolated and being fixed.

Once version 1.0 is released (mi-August), my aim is to continue my developments by incorporating a “damage mode” (a light accu-feel) from the one I wrote for the C-150 Tibush (FSX/P3D) cool

WARNING : You don't need to create a account on my homesite. Download is protected against hotlinks. To download the username to use is  pilote, and the passord is virtuel. It's necessary to respect uppercase ansd lowercase.when they are. Thanks. 253.49 Kb) Downloaded 8387 times

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